John is 56!


My brother John is closer to 60 than he is to 50.

I remember hanging with him every minute of every day when we were kids.

Flying high on the swing set.

Playing ball.


Playing king of the mountain out on the end... came charging up the hill.

Man, it charged up the hill!

And one of the best text threads that I’m on from time to time is me and my siblings and Chuck.

Going back and forth...

...making each other laugh.

John always has the corniest of jokes.

He perfected telling Dad jokes and has been telling them for a lot of years.

Some are so dumb that you have to laugh.

On last nights thread we were all in different cities.

John was telling jokes.

The rest of us finally told him to go to bed.

He had a big day on the horizon:


Hard to believe.

Happy Birthday, brother...

...we love you.


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