
Donald Trump Jr. is an idiot compared to his father...

...which is saying a lot because his father is an idiot.

And I guess, I’m Triggered but Idiot Jr. has the number 1 book on the New York Times best seller list.

I haven’t read it and wouldn’t read it for three million dollars.

Cause he’s an idiot.

I know that I have written 20 books better than that one and I have only put out 13 of them.

I have 7 books on the scrap heap that are better than that garbage.

So, how may you ask did he arrive at #1 when my books are nowhere to be found on such a list.

The explanation is simple:

All roads lead to Putin!

A Russian oligarch purchased 70,000 copies.

I’m not kidding!!

How much more clear does it have to be before some of the people who defend these criminals figure out that Russia owns them.

Our government has been sold!!

Donny Jr. can’t write.

The 70,000 copies at, what $20 a pop, is a way for Russians to launder their money.

Right out in the open!!

And he wants to fight corruption???

Wants to bash Joe Biden’s kid???

For corruption???

When Russia is buying books???

It’s not even funny anymore!

Can you imagine reading that garbage??

One of the excerpts was about how he was driving by Arlington cemetery and he thought about all of the sacrifices HIS FAMILY has made!

Not a thought about the men and women who’ve died?

His sacrifice!!!

And these people have the audacity to call Kaepernick unpatriotic?



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