How Can I Help You?

Man, I’m not good with customer service calls.

It starts with a recorded voice asking you to enter your 15-digit account number.

Then you know what the first question they ask you when you get a human?

Yeah, your 15-digit account number.

“Before we get started, what’s your mother’s maiden name?”


“What was the name of your first dog?”

“How do YOU know that?” I asked.

“Do you know it?”


“Okay, how can I help you?”

I explain the problem.

“I’m going to put you on hold for a moment.”

The music comes on.

The music keeps playing.

And playing.

And playing.

“Okay, thank you for your patience. I spoke to my manager and I have to transfer you to an expert who can help you.”

Before I can even answer...

...the music comes on.

The music keeps playing.

And playing.

And playing.

“Hi, who am I speaking with?”


“Can you give me your full name, please.”

I do.

“Do you have your 15-digit account number?”

“Oh for f***s sake!”

“Sir, this is a professional call. Please refrain from using profanity.”

I give the 15-digit number.


“For security purposes, what street did you grow up on?”

“I gotta’ go.”

“Before you go, is there anything else I can help you with?”

“No. I’m good. F**k you very much.”


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