
I really thought that the Trump campaign should’ve ended when he made fun of the disabled reporter.

Yet, they passed it off as ‘he always makes those sort of hand movements.’

Which was a lie.

There really wasn’t a way to go lower than that...

...but he’s tried.

He fought with a gold star father.

He said the pope is a jerk.

And while John McCain was alive he said that he ‘preferred soldiers who weren’t captured.’

Which was despicable in and of itself...

...but this past weekend he dug lower below the ground.

He made fun of McCain again.

How can you burrow that deep?

He told lies besides.

McCain didn’t finish last in his class.

Yet, the man is dead!!

Who does that???

I have tried to give up commenting on Trump for Lent, but even God thinks I should bash him for this.

Three times!

In two days...

...he’s told lies and figuratively pissed on the grave of a former war hero.

I had my feelings about McCain.

I didn’t agree with him on much...

...but how do you not show him some respect?

It’s despicable.

How low can he go?

I’m thinking we aren’t even half way there...


He will go to the ends of the earth to try and stay out of jail...

...and they’re coming for him.

I think McCain’s family will have the last laugh.


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