“We Encourage Collusion.”

Boy, bad week for Donald, huh?

Cohen releases a recording showing that he knew about paying off a woman who was caught up in an affair.

There are reports that there were at least 3 more payoffs and that one of the women may have been pregnant for a little while (pro-life, much?) and that there are a lot more tapes.

Then his chief accountant was subpoenaed by Mueller, and they explained it by saying, “he not only knows where the bodies are buried, he knows how much was paid for the shovels.”

Then there was more proof offered on the idiotic, treasonous meeting set up by one of his dumb sons.

Yet, the media coverage drives me nuts!!!

“Does Cohen having recordings hurt Trump?” Was an actual segment!

We’ve all watched it go from:

“I don’t have any dealings with Russia.”


“Okay, we had 82 meetings we didn’t report, I asked them for the dirt during a speech, we got caught with the computers that accepted the dirt, we lied about a meeting about adoption, Putin loves me and I love him, Russia makes vodka, and collusion and conspiracy to sell out the country to win an election and hide a billion dollars isn’t a crime.”

What the hell are we doing????

They were interviewing people at a truck stop in Louisiana.

“Yeah, I hate that Trump cheater on his wife and paid off porn stars and may have paid a woman to get rid of his baby, but he’s bringing Christ back to Christmas.”


“Russia used to be our enemy and it’s not good that they ‘stoled’ our election with help from everyone in the campaign, but Clinton was crooked with those emails.”

I’ll ask again:

“What the hell is going on?”

Collusion is bad.

Lying sucks.

Conspiracy to sell America is a problem.

His hair isn’t real.

He’s played $73 million dollars worth of golf!

He’s bailing out farmers cause he destroyed their business.

Kids can’t find their parents.

It’s all BAD!

We shouldn’t debate it!

“They gave the administration a deadline to reunit the children and their parents and the border, but this won’t happen because they can’t find the kids or the parents. Is this a bad mark for Trump? More ahead!”


Bring the cuffs.

Get him out.


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