Are You Dizzy Yet?

I’ve purposely tried to stay away from politics, but the whole Russia fiasco is way too crazy to ignore.

I listened to the Trump/Putin press conference, on the radio, as it was taking place and if I didn’t know the voices I would’ve had zero chance of identifying the American President.

I felt nauseated.

When he blamed both sides and then screaming about Hilary, I couldn’t stop shaking my head, and the response was swift and strong.

I wasn’t the only one who was horrified.

I may have been even more horrified the next day when he tried to clean it up by saying it was a one word error. Instead of saying ‘would’ he meant to say ‘wouldn’t.’

For reals?

That was almost funny, yet, I wasn’t alone in knowing what was coming next.

He was going to poop all over his cleanup.

He did.

He tweeted about how he was strong in his reprimand of Putin (he wasn’t).

He explained that he has full confidence in America’s intelligence (he doesn’t).

So, where are we?

Is it blatant incompetence?

Might it actually be treason?

One of the press conference questions was whether or not Putin has the goods on Trump.

That was a mainstream question!

They both denied it, but there certainly has to be a question about it, right?

He not only groveled at Putin’s feet, he actually acted scared.

The company line is that he wants to get along with them because it’s good for America to have friends throughout the world.

He doesn’t want to get along with the EU, or Canada, or Mexico...

...nations we are supposed to get along with...

...but those who Russia doesn’t care for.


Are you dizzy yet?


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