America’s Birthday

Was quickly discussing politics the other day. We were hitting on the money that is going directly from the taxpayer to members of the administration.

“They aren’t even trying to hide that they’re enriching themselves,” I said.

“I think they all do that,” my buddy said. “Every politician gets rich off their time in office.”

“I guess,” I said. “But this time around they aren’t even trying to disguise it!”

A couple of days later, though, I wondered why we are okay with the fact that politicians are getting rich.

This guy took $3 million from the NRA, that guy took big money from Big Pharma, she gets Medicare money, he takes it from big oil.

Why are we putting up with it??????

I bring it all up because it’s America’s Birthday.

242 years old...

...and we are acting like teenagers.

I’ve heard it said, about fifty times this year, that we are in the battle for the moral soul of the country.

What do we want to be when we grow up?

America always stood for something.

We were the ones who helped others.

We were there when dictators stomped on their own people.

This past month we were the ones putting children in cages.

Through the years, we worked with our allies to make the world a better place. We were the world leader in making sure that poverty was addressed to a degree.

Hitler marched.

America, working with an alliance, put a stop to it.

We aren’t talking to our allies now.

We are talking to Russia though.

Yet, the other morning, I came across a playing of “We Are the World.”

You remember that, right?

The stars came together and sang a verse or two to help the starving people in Africa.

“We are the world. We are the children. There’s a choice we’re making. We’re saving our own lives.”

I donated to that. I even bought the record.

I recall watching the video debut. It made me want to cry.

We were helping people that we’d never meet because they were hurting.

When I heard that song the other day I had a horrible thought:

“That can’t happen today.”

Getting together to help others would be shouted down now. I can almost hear the cries on the message boards:

“Why are we helping Africans? We can’t even feed our own kids! This has to be Obama’s idea!!”

And I’m not looking to be a Debbie Downer. Birthdays are days of celebration, but if Lee Greenwood comes on and you can sing out that “I’m  proud to be an American,” without serious questions entering your mind...

...well, I’m happy for you.

I am proud too, but I’m proud AND concerned.

I’ve seen a bunch of things lately that I never thought I’d see...

...and the fight for the soul of the country won’t be ending any time soon.

So, celebrate.

Throw on “We Are the World,” and consider where we stand.

Would we stand together and send a donation to the starving people a half a world away?

I’m afraid of the collective answer.

But enjoy the barbecue.


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