The March

George Will made a comment about how the number of school deaths is actually fairly low.

Guess he hasn’t lost a kid in a hail of bullets.

Is there an acceptable number?

And that’s why there was a march on Saturday.

It’s gone on way too long.

I don’t know what George Will is thinking. We now have a whole generation of children who have sat in closets in their classrooms, practicing hiding from gun-toting maniacs.

Is that normal?

I also don’t understand the whole “more guns are needed” argument. It doesn’t make sense. We just had a series of bombings...

...didn’t hear even one person suggest that we needed to introduce more bombs to the scenario.

Yet, I think there’s a chance for movement.

I really do.

Most Americans believe that the answer to this heretofore unsolvable problem is to keep guns and mentally disturbed people separated.

It’s almost a unanimous consensus... the citizens.

What is weird is that what we seem to desire is being roundly ignored by the government officials who represent us.

And these kids have started a movement to expose it.

Yet, people like Will, minimizing death isn’t helping.

“Have they changed any laws?” My wife asked as we watched a news clip about the March.

“Not yet,” I said.

“That’s incredible,” she said. “I thought things would be different after Parkland.”

“They will,” I said.


“When the dinosaurs are extinct.”

My wife shot a confused look in my direction.

She didn’t know what I was talking about.

George Will does.


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