Underground Bunker

Mark Zuckerberg got about $3 billion dollars richer yesterday.

One of the richest men in the world - his billions grow every day. 

I also read that 8 men have as much money as more than 90% of the rest of the world.

8 men.

Billions of billions of dollars.

Zuckerberg is now not so secretly building an underground bunker in Hawaii. If you get the chance take a look at it - there are 30 bathrooms.

Meanwhile, I watched a man, pushing a shopping cart up to the door of an abandoned house here in Buffalo.

The guy spent most of the afternoon trying to find anything worth saving in the total disaster of the long forgotten home..

He ripped down a canopy that was full of holes and covered in dirt, mold and who knows what else.

The man told a co-worker that the canopy would come in handy to wrap himself up once the snow starts flying.

The haves and the have nots have never been more clearly defined and there are way more have nots. The guy stripping the home certainly doesn’t have a Facebook account.

But back to Zuck.

He’s building his underground mansion, just in case, I guess.

I just watched that end of the world movie with Julia Roberts and all through it I could only think that it would be a lot of work to be one of the only survivors when the shit hits the fan.

What’s the plan?

Does Zuckerberg think he’s going to live forever if he has a fully stocked 60-room living quarters below the earth’s surface?

Who would want to live in such a manner anyway?

We grew up in a generation where fall-out shelters were all the rage.

There are schools out there who still have signs for such places.


Too much work.

Sit there, alone, eating canned food, waiting for the dust to clear so you can then eventually make it above ground to walk around the destruction.


…the whole story kind of disgusts me.

The price tag on his underground project is millions. Other rich guys like to be shot into space.

The defense budget - around $900 billion was just passed…

…but you ask about the possibility of feeding the hungry or housing the homeless and it’s all about socialism.

But rich guys getting tax breaks?

Richer guys not paying taxes?

People paying taxes so billionaires get new football stadiums…

…that’s all cool.

How can we survive such a system?

We probably won’t and they’ll be 8 guys who will - in their underground palaces.

While a huge number of people scour the horizon searching for anything that might provide warmth when they have to sleep outside under a bridge.

Seems wrong to me.


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