Simply Outrageous

The nation has been captured in the horrific hell that is the Texas court system.

Kate Cox is the mother of two. She is caught in a non-viable pregnancy, and after 20 weeks she conferred with her doctor. 

The doc advised that she end the pregnancy.

For her own health.

The pregnancy is not viable! The fetus will never become a baby. The abortion that she needs is a health care issue.

Texas decided that what her doctor prescribed and what she wants (as emotionally devastating as it all is) doesn’t matter.

It’s more than outrageous.

It’s dangerous.

Of course, I read the threads of the debate.

“God performs miracles every day,” one man wrote. “Perhaps it’s not as dire as that doctor thinks and the child will be born.”

That’s not a working theory. ‘Hoping for a miracle’ when it may cost the Mom her life…

…isn’t a gamble anyone should take.

She is the mother of two children and the wife to a husband who needs her.

She isn’t ending the pregnancy is inconvenient…

…it will save her life.

As it went along all week, Texas dug their heels in…

…all the way to the State Supreme Court.

Kate Cox was forced to leave the state to get the medical care that she needs.

Arizona is on the verge of installing the same sort of system.

Women will die.

Abortions will take place in alleyways.

When a governor has more to say about major health decisions than your doctor…


…that is simply outrageous.


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