A MOMent

 I happened to be looking straight at my Mom when my niece, Andrea, crossed the room with her newborn daughter, Oaklyn.

Mom’s face lit up…

…like a Christmas tree.

In that moment I witnessed pure joy and absolute happiness.

Love will teach you joy.

And Mom held the baby for a moment and very quietly said:

“I want a baby.”

We were short a few siblings - Jim is on vacation, Carrie is out of town, and Jeff is missed every day, but we had a full house as our children sat in some of the chairs that were always set around a huge table.

Right there in that same kitchen.

On Dad’s birthday, it was hard not to think of some of those days gone by.

We told a few stories.

Dad stories are always good for a hearty laugh and a shake of the head or two.

A few old friends names came up too. Mom asked about my buddies Tom and Jeff. She recounted a story from about 40 years ago when Tom was confronted by Mom’s Mom.

“You shouldn’t drive home,” Grandma told Tom. “You’re in no condition to drive.”

“Ha! I’m walking!” Tom replied.

“You’re in no condition to walk,” Grandma exclaimed.

So, there was plenty of the past, and a whole lot of laughs…

…and there was a beautiful moment as Mom glanced into the eyes of the future.

So glad I caught that moment.


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