Finding My Inner Strength

I was getting ready for Dateline last night and I switched on NBC and caught the tail end of the Jada Pinkett interview.

I wanted to change the channel but I’d tossed the remote and couldn’t get my hands on it so I listened to the recap of the horror that her life became after the Oscars when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock.


She went into a deep funk and had to search for the inner strength to be able to survive such an ordeal.

My Lord.

Champagne problems, huh?

Who among us haven’t been horrified by a spouse who slapped one of the world’s best comedians during a live awards show?

And her biggest problem with all of it was having to survive the shock that Will Smith had called her his wife when they aren’t really quite married in the conventional sense.

Can you imagine?

And she’s just out there trying to sell a book, and she just wants the world to know that her struggles to cope with the whole world looking at her has left her stronger and more grateful because she was able to dig deep and stand tall.

🤮 🤮 🤮 🤢 🤢 🤮 

And there’s really no making any sense of that marriage and that slap. 

During the interview they dug deep into the attempts to apologize to Chris Rock and they were a tad horrified that he didn’t simply forgive Smith.

I’m glad that Rock has just sort of ignored them - other than his comedy special in which he addressed it - he should ignore them.

Let them find their spiritual way through their own pain.

Poor Jada.

How proud we all should be that she survived such an ordeal, with the bald head and all.

We all have our troubles, I suppose.


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