Absolute Dysfunction

I won’t shed any tears over Kevin McCartthy being kicked out as leader of the house.

He sealed his fate as a spineless man, in my eyes, when on January 20th he went to Mar-A-Lardo to kiss the ring of the man that he claimed was responsible for the January 6th insurrection.

Like Graham, McCarthy went off on the night of the 6th saying that it was disgusting and a sad day and that Putin Jr. was responsible.

Two weeks later, he went down and placed his lips on a big ass.

So, I was all done with him as a ‘leader’.

Yet, the entire charade yesterday is embarrassing. It’s never happened before.

Big forehead Gaetz was all over the place as the man who escalated the chaos because he NEEDS to be in the news, and because there is an ethical committee situation that may prove sticky for him - given the escorts and the paying for them - some who were underage - allegedly - and transporting them across state lines.


Our leaders!

A GOP house member was on one of the news shows yesterday and he was critical of Gaetz.

“We should be like a good baseball umpire. We should do our job and not become the subject of the game. No one should know who we are. Gaetz doesn’t believe that.”

Gaetz - for all you baseball fans out there - is the Angel Hernandez of lawmakers.

I cringe when I know that Angel is a member of the umpiring crew because I know that before the game is over he will screw something up and then beat his chest as he doubles down on his garbage.

It can’t get much worse can it?

And to make it all come full circle, their political god is in a New York City courtroom…

…on his way to a fraud conviction.

And Joe is too old????

Is President Biden’s age truly what might make someone vote for any of these clowns?

I don’t care if Joe is 110…

…at least he’s not these clowns.


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