
 So, Cuomo resigned.

I got so many messages and beeps when it happened I thought it was an Amber Alert.

Thing is:

I don’t care.

Maybe I should, but I spent so much time and energy on the political games of a corrupt mess over the last four years that I got truly bored of it.

Crimes being committed all around and hopes being raised that someone might be held accountable…

…and not much happening to punish the slobs who were pretending to govern.

But Cuomo couldn’t withstand it all.

Okay, he got what he probably should have got.

I was creeped out when he did his press conference saying that he grabbed and kissed people because that’s what he does.

He probably shouldn’t.

Imagine someone just grabbing your face and kissing your lips.


But it does amaze me that some people have strutted through that storm with zero accountability.

I know some politicians who have 25 or 30 or 50 women stacked against them…

…while admitting it on a bus…

…and zip.

Some women wore shirts that said “He can grab my…

Makes zero sense.

But it’s about being a decent human.

The politicians, sports stars, and in general rich dopes feel entitled to behave as they wish.

Cuomo was front and center every day during Covid. He wrote a book about how great they did about two freaking years ago!

We still have plenty of Covid.

He might have been better served by being less in everyone’s face about his greatness, but that’s how it goes.

I don’t care much to worry about it.

The next set of politicians will be corrupted and entitled as well.

It’s the system we built.


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