Charlie Watts

My love of The Rolling Stones began when I was just 8 or 9 years old.

I think part of it was because my brother John was constantly telling me that The Beatles were the greatest band of all-time.

The Stones were the bad boys. I defended them fiercely. (I still do).

By the time Some Girls came out I was a full-fledged believer that they were the greatest rock and roll band of all time.

In 1981, I attended the Stones show in Buffalo. When ‘Under My Thumb’ hit my ears, man, I was in full glory. Of course, Mick and Keith and Ronny were right up front, but a little ways into the show, I caught a glimpse of Charlie Watts.

Much like Bill Wyman, Charlie wasn’t acting much like a rock and roll star.

He was drumming and smiling and was impossible not to watch. In his own way, his playing was infectious.

Years and years later I read Keith Richards autobiography and was kind of surprised when he admitted that there would’ve been no Stones without Watts being the heartbeat.

Charlie didn’t say much.

He didn’t pick sides in the Mick versus Keith fights.

He was just back there, playing flawlessly throughout.

A buddy of mine and a huge Stones fan sent me a message yesterday.

“I’m sad,” he said. “I knew they were older and we would have to face it some day, but I don’t like it!”

That first Stones show I saw was 40 years ago!

I was 16.

Charlie was a mere 40!

Life is flying by!

I don’t much care for my heroes dying off.

RIP Charlie Watts.

Thank you for the music!

I’ll listen to it until I’m gone!


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