Mentally Tough (Not So Much)

I’ve read a lot about improving the golf game. Many articles talk about mental toughness being a factor.

There are others that reference visualizing the shot before it happens.

Then, for the first time ever, we decided to flip a coin to choose up teams and play for lunch.

So, with all that going on, I drove to the course and visualized my drive - “center cut - nice and easy swing - stay relaxed”.

Mentally set, deep breath, slow and easy, visualize where it will end up.

I swung the club and heard the “Whack”.

Immediately yelled:


What we call a ‘Whack-F**k!”

Was that kind of day.

Saying that you’re going to be mentally tough and actually doing it are two different things.

Didn’t execute shots. 

An easy chip on 2 turned into a mess.

A wide open green yawning at me from 125’ on 6 - I hit that one about 30 yards.

And in the worst of all possible outcomes we lost to two dopey bastards. 

What’s disappointing about it is that we don’t get right back out there.
Now there’s 164 hours for me to visualize the tee shot next week.

Lunch turned into pasta next week.

Sausage and rigatoni.

Did I mention that the guys who won are two slobs who will pound about 40 pounds of food?

Sad to say, they weren’t great either.

But here we are!

I can clearly visually those two pigs shoveling in my rigatoni.


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