Drunks On Planes
There have been a bunch of stories about people getting really stupid on airplanes.
Flight attendants are getting slapped around, people are being downright nasty, and the assholery is at all-time high levels.
On a recent flight an unruly passenger who appeared to be three sheets to the wind was duct taped to his seat.
He kept yelling.
And a couple of flight attendants came by and duct taped his mouth shut.
The other passengers cheered as if they were at a sporting event.
It was uncomfortable for me to watch.
The guy may have deserved it, but man, you can’t tape a man’s mouth shut when he’s been drinking.
What if he started to throw up?
And having someone tape your mouth?
There certainly has to be a better way.
I’ve flown quite a bit…
…I’ve never seen much in the way of rage.
I can see why it might happen though. The airlines don’t care much if they inconvenience a whole plane filled with people and sometimes when you voice your displeasure…
…they get even more impatient and miserable.
Miserable on miserable gets more miserable.
Flying sucks.
Nasty people in a confined space really sucks, but you can’t tape a mouth shut.