Why So Nasty?

Saw some sad news yesterday.

The singer, Melissa Ethridge, lost her 21-year-old son. She announced that he died, and I’ve always enjoyed her music, so I was a tad curious.

I clicked on the TMZ story and there wasn’t much information, so still curious, I checked the comments.

“That’s why two gays shouldn’t have kids,” the first guy said.

The second guy piled on by saying God was punishing her for an evil lifestyle and the third guy went even further by saying that she should lose all of her kids because she’s so sinful.

What is wrong with people?

The woman lost her child.

Is the fact that she’s a gay American a reason to attack?

That’s not even the worst...

... I’ve taken to simply hiding posts of friends these days.

It’s easy to do.

See something nasty...

...block it.

At the beginning of the stay at home order I used Facebook to interact by telling my friends that I would answer any and all questions.

It was a lot of fun for awhile...

...and then the governor bashing started and the red versus blue arguments were all over the comments.

I particularly enjoy the “Your an idiot” idiots who don’t know that “You’re” should be used in that instance.

And it all starts from the top.

The lack of civility is a national epidemic.

Last weekend there were more than 125 tweets in 24 hours...

...many of them were despicable.

Perhaps there can be a program or something that addresses cyber-bullying.

We should learn how to be our best selves there, right?

Maybe we can call it “Be Best”!

We can get the first lady to run it, or something.

In all seriousness, it sure is a good idea.

People are trying to figure out life right now. Social media can be a good outlet, to laugh, for information, to share...

...and instead people read a post about the tragic death of a 21-year-old man...

...and decide to attack the gay mom?

In the name of God?

I’m thinking some people need to let up a little.

Makes me sad.


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