Who’s Going to Church?

The big orange king (he thinks) got up and decreed churches open in the middle of a pandemic.

He called them ‘essential.’

You’d think that an essential business would at least pay taxes, but none of the other Fortune 500 companies do either so I guess that fits.

He also decreed that if the governors of the individual states didn’t open up the churches for a Coronavirus party that he would override them.

Then he stormed off without answering the question of whether or not he’d be attending a weekend service.

(Spoiler alert - he isn’t).

But it was odd nonetheless because I don’t think there’s a man or woman alive who can say, with a straight face, that they think of God or Jesus when they see Donny T.

So, why the rush?

I’ll give you one hint:

It’s green and it’s the only thing that matters to a lot of morally bankrupt people.

When I think of Trump and his family in terms of God, I often think of Jesus overturning the tables on the men who were trying to make a dime off of the church service.

Imagine what He’d think now with guys like Olsteen and Bakker and that dope who runs Liberty University.

That’s who Trump was catering to on Friday afternoon.

“We’re lost all that money! And the vulnerable elderly people who are dying of the Rona are dying without giving us their very last dime so they can have eternal salvation.”

Church is the very last place that should be open.

People packed in.

Singing out.

Spitting all over the place.

The sign of peace.

We will not be attending. We can pray at home.

Yet it still pisses me off because I know some of the people who will walk through those doors:

Older citizens who were raised to believe that missing mass on Sunday is a mortal sin. They’ll still be concerned about the virus, but they’ll be brave and go.

And some will die.

Pass around that collection basket!


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