I Can’t Breathe - Part Two

In the last two weeks I have watched video of two men murdered.

They had one thing in common:

They were black men.

The videos were horrific to watch. They’ve been played over and over again.

What makes it even worse is that there were bystanders right there.

“He can’t breathe!” A young black man is heard screaming. The police officer has a bit of a smirk.

And yet he kept kneeling on the man’s neck.

There was another officer there standing guard.

“You’re killing him!”

And the officer continued to take a knee.

It was hard not to consider Colin Kaperniek and the knee he took to protest black men being killed by police officers.

“What did he do?” Someone asked on one of the job sites.

“What does it matter?” I asked. “They can bring in a white kid that guns down a church filled with people. Why can’t they arrest a black man?”

“I’m sure the guy was no angel,” the guy responded.

I walked away.

That’s not what should come to mind.

George Floyd was just 46 years old.

I don’t know a thing about him.

I do know that he didn’t deserve to die in such a manner.


On the man’s neck.

Until he died.

It’s getting so I can’t even recognize this place anymore.


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