Elite Athletes Tear Their Achilles

The title of his blog is a fact.

Dan Marino tore his and was never the same.

Kobe Bryant tore his, stood up, hit two free throws and then walked off. He missed a year. Was never the same.

I tore mine.

A famous story.

I never, and I mean never hit home runs in softball. That night at Renaldo Stadium, I tripled my first time up. The center fielder was playing me in to cut off my patented single and I hammered it over his head.

Next time up, he moved back a little, but was still daring me to do it again.

I did.

Rounded second and thought, “I can walk the rest of the way.”

Then it happened.

My muscle exploded.

I won’t tell you again about JC’s horrible misdiagnosis, the beer I drank that delayed the operation, and the horrible next three months.

It was awful. Huge, hard cast from ankle to mid-thigh.

I was living alone, and I was helpless.

And boy did I whine!!

Thing is, I did play softball the next year, and we won another title! I also continued to dominate on the basketball court, but I must admit that my foot speed suffered.

(I went from 4.0 in the hundred yard dash to 4 hours).

Shame I lost that torrid speed.

(That’s how I remember it. My Lions teammates will vouch for me).

Okay, maybe not.

Yet, I feel for Kevin Durant.

I’m rooting for the Warriors because no one else is.

(I like to be annoying).


This is just about elite athletes suffering the ruptured tendon.





It’s all about stretching our massive muscles too tight.


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