Curiosity Got Him, I Guess

The names aren’t important.

It’s a story that plays itself out all over the country.

A two-year-old boy, (let’s call him Lyle) enters the home with his grandmother. She runs straight to the bathroom, setting her purse on the kitchen table.

Lyle picks up her purse, unzips it, removes her teal-colored gun and promptly shoots himself in the face.

They tried to save him, but he bled out before the ambulance arrived.

Lyle’s grandpa was interviewed for the story, and he spoke about his grandson.

“He was inquisitive and always getting into stuff. Guess his curiosity got the best of him. It’s nobody’s fault. Just an accident.”


Had the kid fallen into an In-ground swimming pool without a fence there would be charges.


Pure and simple.

Why are there never consequences when it comes to guns?

The grandfather went on to say that the glock is to blame because it doesn’t have the proper safety features.

Grandma leaving a loaded gun in the reach of a 24-month old has no bearing on this.

“It was secured in the purse.”


The zipper is the security feature?

There were plenty of photos of Lyle...

...adorable kid.

Forever gone.

Curiosity got him.

“No one takes better care of our guns than us,” Grandpa said. “Can happen to anyone.”

It couldn’t happen here.

We had locks on our cabinets when the kids were young...

...they were curious too.

We were worried about them dumping the sugar...

...not shooting their face off.


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