24 Hours Of Pure Hell

I played in a golf tourney on Saturday.

That was the good news.

I was still playing when Sam sent me a text to tell me that Kathy was making a left-hand turn, and was at a dead stop when an elderly lady smashed into the back of her. At 45 MPH.

Never touched the brake.

“Is she okay?”

Thankfully the answer was yes. In the unlikeliest of all things, her seat fell back!

Makes little sense, but other than being sore...

...and then, I noticed that neither dog was moving.

At all!

“What’s wrong with the dogs?”

By bedtime it was apparent that they were really sick.

And that was a problem because Melky sleeps with me and she couldn’t make the climb, and that made her wail. Problem being, I had an early morning flight.

At 3:30 I was awake, comforting her, and then I flew out, drove 400 + miles and visited 3 sites.

“Your legs feel all right?” Kathy asked.

“I’m too tired to know.”

And then...

...”My mother is in the hospital.”

Are you freaking kidding me????

“What the hell is going on?” I asked.

By Wednesday night...

...there was a little clarity.

We sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Sam.

Had a little steak.

Dogs on the mend.

Insurance contacted.

But when your daily conversations are about hospitals, insurance agents and urine remover for the rugs because of the dog accidents.

Well, that’s no fun.

“Every hard-earned day people find some reason to believe.”

“The sun will come up tomorrow.”

“God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.”


Spread out the misery, huh?

And then...

...I found a penny.

A wheat penny.

Mint condition.


It’s a beauty.

And for a second in the middle of it all...

...a glimmer.


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