Catch the 2020 Rally?

Hard to imagine that the people gathered in Florida are buying it again.

Fat Nixon was on the attack again...

...he attacked...

...wait for it...

...Hillary Clinton.

He thinks she belongs in jail for her email. Even though everyone in his cabinet is doing it. Even though his son-in-law tried to set up a back channel with Russia. Even though they want nothing to do with answering any questions about anything.

Subpoenas don’t matter.

Facts don’t matter.

Clinton belongs in jail!

He was just getting started.

“The Democrats want to destroy the country. That’s what they want!”


That’s the goal?

“They’re saying that we are putting people in concentration camps! That’s not true!”

He’s calling out lies now?

I didn’t listen to the rest of that one.

I imagine that he justified it all by saying they were just keeping the nice Mexican kids in pretty cages, and that they’re really having fun when they’re crying for their parents.

Immigration is a tough issue to be sure, but taking children away from their parents, or allowing them to die in the desert...

...might not be the answer.

I did see Junior up there.

He was making fun of Joe Biden for saying that one of his presidential goals would be to cure cancer.

Biden’s son died of cancer. He has prioritized that as a goal.

Junior, who Mueller said was basically too dumb to prosecute, thinks Biden should have cured it before.

Here’s what I don’t get:

The anger.

I thought he made America great... why all the hate?

It’s the greatest economy ever.

The air is cleaner than ever.

America is respected again by other world leaders (don’t pay attention to the protests or the flying, crying, baby Trump).

So, why the hate?

Fake news, Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe, Little Marco, Low energy Jeb, Dead John McCain.

Everyone is back on the hate list, right?

Will people buy it all again?

He’s too busy working to ever take a vacation?

How will he handle that one after 220 rounds of golf in two years?

The Mexican paid for wall?

They still believing that one?

“I can stop the murders in Chicago in a week.”

That didn’t happen, right?

Repeal and replace Obamacare?

That failed.

“Middle class tax cut?”

That went to the rich and there isn’t any trickle down.

Coal is back!!!

No. It’s not.

So, he went to the only place he could go:

“Hillary is crooked.”

How damn stupid!

It can’t work, can it?


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