That’s A Solid ‘No’ For Me

Read a report today that said the first human to live to the rip old age of 150...

...has already been born.

I was born in 1964.

If I’m the guy they’re thinking about that would put my death at 2114.

Or 96 years from now.

I’m going to really, really hope that doesn’t happen.

What a freaking mess I would be!

I can barely walk now.

Yet, it called to mind a conversation that I had with my grandpa on his 80th Birthday.

“80 years is a long time,” I said. “Not sure I wanna’ live to 80!”

(A horribly dumb thing to say!)

Grandpa was ready though:

“You do when you’re 79,” he said.

And that’s true enough, but going all the way to 150 years old???

I’d have to pass.

It also called to mind a conversation I had with a friend. We’d worked together in 1990. I mentioned four names to him, asking if he knew where they are now.

“John is out west. Fred is dead. Bob is dead. Doug is dead.”

“Damn!” I said.

“Well, it was 28 years ago.”

But think about retiring at 65 and then living another 85 years!

How much retirement money would you need????

I’m thinking that the life span will certainly increase in my time. When I was a kid the life expectancy was 72 for a man and 74 for a woman.

Now 72 is relatively young.

Some day that will be considered middle age.


I’m not ready for that.

How about you?

Living  to 150?

“You do when you’re 149.”

I guess!


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