America Last

How can it be America First if we abandon the values that America stood for?

If we turn our backs on the sick, the poor and the viciously attacked and dismembered...

...aren’t we destroying ourselves in the process?

The American Flag has always been a symbol of a whole bunch of things to me.

“And to the republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

How does that stand now?

Liberty and justice for all?

An American based journalist was chopped up and dissolved in acid.

The CIA, with certainty, communicated that Saudi Arabian leaders ordered the murder.

“We stand by Saudi Arabia!”

‘Cause of deals.

Big deals!!!

Hundreds of billions of dollars. Millions and millions of jobs.

America First!

But here’s the thing about selling your soul for money... makes your life...

...not worth a damn nickel.

“I like Saudi Arabia. They give me $40 or $50 million for condos.”

He said that in the last couple of years...

...yesterday he said:

“I don’t have any deals at all with Saudi Arabia.”

(Which is it?)

That’s what happens when you sacrifice personal values for money.

You lie, cheat, deceive and end up destroying all of your relationships. You wind up being a thrice-married man who is roundly despised and pays off porn stars to keep them quiet.

It’s simple actually.

America should be a reflection of its people.

If you haven’t been paying attention we are currently in the battle for the soul of our nation.

Personally, can you be sold to the highest bidder?

Would you give up a loved one for a million dollars?

If you saw a man drowning would you not save him if you knew he were gay? Or poor? Or a minority?

Those are the questions that are currently being debated.

How are you answering each one???

Will America turn its collective back on the suffering?

Will we disregard blatant human rights violations because it helps the bottom line?

Will we treat people with zero respect?

Are lies acceptable?

A whole lot of garbage is being accepted...

...and that’s not what anyone had in mind when the ideals were presented in the making of that flag.

No one wins unless everyone wins...

...and despite all the bragging about winning so much that we’d all be sick of winning... feels like we’re losing.

America First will result in America Last...

...if we lose our values.

Someone at least has to consider that.

For the Love of God, it has to be considered.


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