
On Thanksgiving a story broke about a 5-year-old child losing his life, one town over from where we live.

I saw the headline:

Wouldn’t click on the story.

Saw an update a few hours later, the kid was struck by a car.

There were a few of those in my youth. They were too sad to think about.

Yet, the story was even sadder than that.

His father was behind the wheel.

I just couldn’t even read the story. Sometimes life is way too cruel. As a Dad, I didn’t want to think about it. As a man, I would be destroyed by the particulars.

I’ve dealt with sadness in my life and at my job.

“How does that family survive?” Someone texted me.

“Love,” I answered. “It’s their only chance.”

I thought about faith, and friends, and the love of the man’s spouse, and other children...

...but even then...

...there will be a huge hole in a space where all that was there was love.

I didn’t want to think about it from the perspective of a Dad, or a friend, or even a stranger a Town over...

...but I did...

...just long enough to send some positive thoughts and feelings of love to all that knew that beautiful little boy.

May God be with them.


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