Down Goes Sessions

So, the attorney general has been dismissed.


For the last couple of years, the president has lambasted Jeff Sessions at every turn. He wouldn’t quit, until yesterday, when he was effectively fired.

Now, all hell will break loose.

Because the reason for the firing is that Trump is trying to get rid of all the people who are trying to investigate him.

“Witch hunt! Hoax!! No Collusion!!!”

You’ve heard the greatest hits, and now, we wait and speculate.

Jeff Sessions was arguably the worst attorney general ever. He was called to testify about what he knew about the ties to Russia and he “I do not recalled” his way through a couple of hearings.

I listened to him for about an hour one day, and I was livid with his rope-a-dope attempt to hide.

His stances on gays and marijuana are mind-numbing.

His weird laugh, his be-tough voice, and his ass-kissing of a man who was verbally abusing him every chance he got...

...made me sad for him.

I don’t know how any man, when challenged and belittled could be so afraid and cowardly.

I was just a young man when the owner of the company I was working for was screaming at me about an accident involving a truck driver who tried to go through a narrow toll booth with a wide load vehicle.

The owner was screaming at me because I was the Safety guy!

“Why are you yelling at me?” I asked.

He reacted as if I’d slapped him (probably couldn’t believe a kid was questioning his authority).

“If you want to discuss it, I’ll discuss it,” I said. “But my father didn’t yell at me like you’re yelling at me, and I loved him.”

He didn’t know what to say...

...moments later, he yelled again.

“Why would he go through there!” He screamed.

“He wanted to get to the other side,” I said, and I walked out of his office.

As I left the yard that day, I expected to be fired.

But a funny thing happened...

...I didn’t get fired.

And he never screamed at me like that again.

My point being:

How could Sessions live with himself after how he was treated?

He was blasted, ridiculed and made fun of. He was called names, laughed at, and screamed at...

...and he took all of it.

Even lied and kiss the ass of the guy who was belittling him.

That’s all anyone needs to know about him.

Enjoy your retirement.

Hope you can live in peace.

I can’t see how.

An honest man’s pillow is his peace of mind.


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