Pissed At Everyone

So, a woman is too emotional to be president, huh?

Trump flew to France...

...didn’t go to the cemetery for the ceremony to honor fallen soldiers.

‘Cause it was raining.

All the other leaders made it. Copters can usually make it through the rain, and even if the weather was actually the reason, he could’ve squeezed in to catch a ride.

He stayed back.

Was 2 hours late for dinner on that trip.

Flew home and skipped the trip to Arlington to place a wreath on Veterans Day.

(So much for kneeling during the anthem, huh?)

The White House released a statement saying, “he was in for the day.”

At 10 a.m.

The next day the chatter was all about:

“He’s pissed at everyone.”

There are troops at the border, away from their families for Thanksgiving, waiting on a caravan of invaders (who haven’t been mentioned since the election).

There are rumors as to why the president is in a foul mood...

...he’s mad about the Dems winning the house...

...Junior is about to be indicted...

...he’s going to spend the next two years being investigated...

...it’s too cold to golf...

...the DOW is tanking.

It’s hard to follow along, but I was amazed by the reporting of it all.

“He’s pissed at everyone?”


On Wednesday, he finally showed up to do a few minutes of work. He read a speech on prison reform, and then avoided all questions.

He looked horrid.

He had huge white bags under his eyes. The bags were magnified with his skin even more orange than ever.

His wavy blonde hair was out of control.

He was wheezing and sniffling like a madman.

He looked pissed.

Isn’t that lovely?


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