Sing Away

I usually wake before my alarm. Most of the time I don’t even set one, but on Monday morning the alarm was on and it woke me up.

First thing I heard was a pounding, soaking rain.

Rainy Days and Mondays.

Up and out, and the rain let up, but it was dark and as dreary as can be.

It gets worse.

Construction guys aren’t all that chipper when the Bills lose, and when they buried like that...

...well, it was pretty quiet.

And that’s how the day was going, but I was coming down Elmwood Avenue near Buffalo State University, and I noticed some motion in the car next to me at the red light.

It was a pretty, young girl. She was looking straight ahead, bopping up and down, and definitely singing.

All windows were up, but I could definitely say that she was belting out a tune because she even pumped a fist.

I couldn’t not look.

She must’ve sensed it because she turned and caught me looking.

She kept on singing away.

I laughed and looked back to the light.

Good for her...

...wasn’t caught up in the dreary Buffalo day.

Got to the next light...

...casually glanced over.


Singing her ass off.


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