Bruce's Birthday

My sister sent me a text yesterday:

"Just read the Vanity Fair Article on Bruce. I can't wait to read that flipping book!!!"

I know what she means. Before answering her back I went to the books on my i-phone to see if perhaps they had sent me the book early.

After all, today is Bruce's birthday...maybe they let it out early.

But no.

The book was on my phone, but it just showed:

"This item is pre-ordered and will be available on September 27."

"I can't wait either," I answered. "I pre-ordered it."

"Me too," Carrie answered. "And I keep checking to see if it's there early!"

So, we are doing the exact same thing.

The reviews of the autobiography are coming in too and they're talking about Bruce's life with his family.

He raised his children not explaining that Mom and Dad are rock stars.

"Why do they keep bothering you?" His oldest son asked early on.

"I'm like Barney for adults," Bruce answered.

"That guy had a tattoo of you!" His kid said.

A funny exchange.

Happy Birthday, Bruce.

You're better than Barney.

Best news?

He has no plans on quitting.

He keeps giving us presents.


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