Nuns Run Bald
The Bruce book is everything I thought it would be. I can hear his voice telling me the story and while I had heard a lot about his life it is different coming right from him. One of the parts I really enjoyed was his interaction with the nuns during his Catholic school days. Bruce got beat-down! I know the feeling! There were certainly a few nuns at Holy Spirit who had their absolute fill of me. I was paddled almost daily because of my wise-mouth. The problem being that I understood the penalty pretty early on and I still mouthed off... even at the tender age of 8... ...I wanted to mouth off... ...damn the consequences! Bruce also told a story about being an altar boy. In his story he was dragged, faced down, by the priest across the altar... ...with the church filled to the rafters. He spoke of the audible gasp that went up from his family. I know the feeling! I was about 7 or 8 and I was sent out to light 8 candles...before Mass started... I was hol...