Think About It

There are millions and millions of us...a whole deal run amok. We all lead lives that are supposed to mean something to someone, somewhere along the line. Do we even think about that?

We watch Dancing with the Stars, or America's Got Talent, and by the time we go to bed we think that's all there is for the day.

We spend our days chasing the almighty dollar, telling off the next door neighbor, and crying because we don't get a great reception on our cell phone.

We eat too much, drink too much, swear too much, and wonder why we don't have enough love.

We amuse ourselves, abuse ourselves, and use ourselves, and in the end never really know ourselves.

We laugh too hard at things that aren't funny and cry too long for things we should get over quicker.

We worry about the government, and education, and healthcare and child abuse...when we know that things we worry about that we can't change have no solution...and things that can be resolved will be solved anyway.

So why worry?

And we spend so many days chasing so many things that are so far out of reach...but we try...and we worry...and we cry...and in the end we will all be like Junior Soprano when Tony walks in on him in the end, and says:

"You controlled all of New Jersey."

And Junior, obviously in dementia, says, "That's great!"

Because none of it mattered,

And none of it really does.

And if that's too sad to think about,

Just think about it.


This coincides with my blog for yesterday - it happens to be an answer. Great writing - especially the last two lines.

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