I Want Hope Back

Reading about the alleged terrorist attack and realizing that I've been standing on a slippery slope all year, I have one freaking wish for '10 - I want hope back.

That isn't too much to ask for, right?

I don't want to continue feeling that everything is crap.

I don't want to feel like I can't pray for something (a habit the nuns beat into me) because now it won't come true.

I want to be able to think about wanting to write something new that is completely filled with the daydreaming of the past. Writing the non-fiction stuff absolutely blows.

Hope - I hope this comes true or that comes to be. I hope that I can dream free of worry.

Well if dreams came true, ah wouldn't that be nice. This ain't no dream we're living through tonight.

Did you see Bruce on the Kennedy Honors? When they were singing his songs you could almost here him thinking, 'Ah, crap they're screwing it up.'

And Melissa Ethridge has been through a lot, but she looked like Grandma Rocker out there. Ewwww.

Anyway, back to our regularly scheduled program...

It ought to be easy to breathe deep, live right, and find hope. It shouldn't be too much to ask that life doesn't continue to kick the crap out of you in the upcoming year.

I hope it doesn't.

Practice it together - deep breath, count to ten, serenity now, family, love, don't grab that 2nd sandwich, don't eat pasta like a dog, Go Yanks, laugh through the Bills draft, golf, love, golf, drink a beer, deep breath...hope, hope, hope.

Happy New Year!


deafjeff said…
Ah my friend you have hit my thoughts on the proverbial head. Exactly what I want for the new year. Pessimist bastard that I am says, just another day. But I'm trying to think of a cleansing routine of some sort just to put this year far in the past. I don't need to drink myself into oblivion, puking isn't what I'm aiming for. Maybe a polar bear dip, something... help me out here.
Cliff Fazzolari said…
Swing by Heinold's - a couple of beers won't hurt - you're certainly more than welcome - we shoot pool, drink a few and eat a little - it can't hurt. As for everything else - I get an answer I'll fill you in

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