Smoke Clears

Oh God I love naps. It seems that I became addicted to weekend naps when the boys were young and now, like Grandpa Fuzzy, the office closes from 1 to 3 PM.

Now I'm up and ready for something, I suppose. What has been happening since the Yankee World Series run? I scan the news on the Net and nearly puke.

Massacre in Fort Hood - awful, awful story. Doesn't your heart just ache when you see that kind of rampage? I don't ever want to get used to reading about that!

Serial killer burying people on the property in Ohio - see above - and the neighbors said the same things - quiet guy - never saw it coming.

I think there was another murder in the Orlando area - day after day. Horrible.

To have just one shot at life and bungle it so badly as to end up walking in on your co-workers with an automatic weapon, or to feel the need to capture people and torture them, or to even get to the point where you shoot someone in your own family.

When the smoke finally clears, and we are to assess such catastrophes doen't it seem that we need to do something different?

I believe that it was last year at this time that there was a rash of such rampages and the condemnations of society doesn't really seem to have done the trick.

Yet what is the answer? Aren't there warning signs?

What was it? Thirteen dead at Fort Hood?

Think of all the people affected by the mental instability of one man. Hundreds and hundreds are in mourning.

I just don't know what it is going to take.

When is enough,enough?

You talk about making it tougher to get a gun and people scream that their rights are being taken away.

Everyone has the same rights, right? Even if they are so unstable that they have no value whatsoever for a life?

Perhaps it can't be regulated, but somehow the guns have to be taken from the hands of those that aren't all there. Someone isn't doing their job.

I don't know anything other than it seems that we've grown used to it happening and that is when there really is suffering.

My heart aches - I miss baseball season already.

I'm going back to bed.


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