
There are no sure ways to raise kids are there?

Some people believe that children should be coddled, hidden from the evil of the world, and sheltered from seeing anything other than what is wonderful, and natural and beautiful.

There are other children who grow to adults having already seen and done it all. In this day and age some of the true horrors of life are just a few mouse clicks away.

As a parent there is plenty to get you confused, and in the back of your mind there is always fear.

Are we doing this right?

I'll tell you one thing I know for sure - there has never been a Fazzolari kid born who lacked confidence.

I relay all of this after having watched Sam and Jake answer questions posed to them on Facebook. Sam was asked if he could date someone who would they be most like - and he answered, 'Me.'


And the kids run around here so cocksure of everything that comes out of their mouths. They know they're funny, and smart, and happy and that life is theirs for the taking.

And in the end the greatest gift we've been able to provide is confidence.

Confidence in the fact that they are loved. Confidence in the fact that they are able to grow at their own pace, and confidence in the fact that we have their back if they need it.

Pretty funny though actually to think of one sentence that will never be spoken:

"Meet ---- Fazzolari. S/He's pretty shy."


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