Shorts and a T-Shirt

I've figured out what causes aggravation - it's long pants, of course.

For the past several days I've been in shorts - nothing but shorts and a t-shirt. Blue shorts with the Yankee shirt. Grey shorts with the Bruce shirt. Socks were optional as were shoes - and my mood was great.

In 7 full days I wore long pants for a total of 6 hours and that was only when I had to help with the Women & Children's Hospital Presentation in Philly. If I could have gotten away with the shorts I would have worn them there too.

And today - well, today, I had to go back to pants - and it sucked. People kept calling me, texting me, e-mailing me, talking to me....blah, blah, blah, work bullshit, 'Hurry up and get here'.

So, I am making a movement - no more long pants.

Think of it - when was the last time you felt stressed wearing short pants?

Swimming - uh, no. Hanging out in the sun - no. Golfing - no (there are moments-but I've only thrown one club all year). Having a casual beer with friends - no. Sitting at a ball game - no, no no.

Then think about the aggravation in long pants - going to court, weddings, wakes, work, fancy dinner parties - all bullshit - all aggravating. All because of the freaking pants.

I'm currently in my favorite muscle shirt and short pants - the work day is over - and for those of you looking at the time on my posts the times are never right. I haven't figured out the clock on the stupid thing - must have been set by someone in long pants.

Anyhow - short pants it is until Monday- I'm planning a three-game sweep of the Red Sucks, a few beers, a round of golf, time with family and friends.

No bullshit - no aggravation.


Larry L said…
I agree, I went on blood pressure medicine then a week later went to Disney World and forgot my medicine. Not one day while I was there did my blood pressure go up and I never wore long pants either.
deafjeff said…
muscle shirt? you? haha

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