Every Day Sucks

Talking with a co-worker yesterday - it was his turn in the barrel - everything he touched turned to crap. After a bunch of texts he remarked, 'This day sucked.'

I texted back - only half-kidding - 'Every day sucks and if you begin with that premise you won't be disappointed.'

He texted back - 'Man, I'm not built to think that way.'

And Thank God for that. Yet quoting my buddies from Pink Floyd - Day after day life seems grey and night after night we pretend it's all right.

There are people who live with deep depression settling as a cloud over their heads each and every day. I honestly feel sorry for them because I'm not quite built that way either - life does suck if you wallow in the pitiful mess of it all, but most days there is something to look forward to, right?

Yet I was flipping through the channels the other night and there was a depression medicine advertisement on - it spoke of the wonderful veil that will be lifted and how each day would seem brighter as the cloud of depression was lifted. Then real quick the announcer said, 'Side affects include, dry mouth, loss of sexual desire, diarrhea, mouth sores, and stomach cramps.'

Wouldn't the side affects sort of bring the depression back?

I can't imagine that conversation between some depressed human being and their best friend.

Depressed Woman: "Man I feel better about life. Now if I could just get rid of these mouth sores, stomach cramps and dry mouth, I'd be on top of the world."

Friend: What's that smell?

Depressed Woman: I just shit my pants - diarrhea from the medicine, but man I feel good.

Yeah - every day sucks - it's a good premise to start with - the rest of the day will seem downright cheerful.


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