Evil Comes in All Shapes and Sizes

Just looking at the photo of Kim Jong Il - what a tiny man he is and yet an entire nation is under his baby-like thumb. He rules with an iron-fist and a defiance that should be reserved for a man the size of oh say, Shaq O'Neal. And how about Slick Willie standing next to him, taking all the credit for the release of the journalists when their release had been negotiated for months? Willie never misses an opportunity to score, does he?

Yet it's the look of Kim Jong Il that got me thinking today - first I read about the woman who killed all those people by driving the wrong way on Taconic Parkway - she was absolutely annihilated - a .19 with a vodka bottle in the car and more pot in her bloodstream than Tommy Chong. How do you get to that point? (Allegedly). I was genuinely surprised when that information came to light.

Still I didn't have even enough time from the shock of that to wear off before our latest mass killing - Pittsburgh again - the man walked into a fitness club and opened fire because he never truly had much luck with the ladies, or so the story goes.

That has to be the absolute worst excuse I've ever heard for gunning down people - it's a good thing it never was a credo of mine because there would have been a auditorium full of women from my high school and college days who would've been in a world of trouble.

Manson was about 5' tall. Jong Il couldn't play forward on the all-evil basketball team either. How tall was Hitler?

It seems to me that we're living in a day and age when you just never know what evil lurks around the very next corner.

Mass murder, wrong way drunk drivers, world leaders who thrive on hate-mongering.

Man, it's a good thing I had pasta with seafood tonight or I'd be in a lousy mood.


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