I'm Strugggggling

I've been laughing for a day and a half now as yesterday's golf outing was an effort in futility for one member of our foursome.

Golf is a funny game because there seems to be a certain momentum to it and every one (even Tiger) has their turn in the barrel so to speak. When one of the other three guys is suffering it's almost too painful to watch and there isn't a lot to say to the poor bastard.

Everyone takes their turn at the tee and there's so much to the mental part of the game. When another guy in the foursome shanks one you have three options - 1). Give him the 'I'm so sorry' look 2). Try to find a positive in it - such as 'That'll still play,' or 3). Make fun of him.

Last year I golfed a lot with my brother - he always chose option number three. The worst part of it was missing the ball and having him stand there and say - "My God, you're awful."

Anyway - yesterday a regular on our trips couldn't stay out of his own way. Finally, after a little while, I turned to him.

"I'm strugggggling," he said, imitating a drunk Joe Namath who was trying to pick up that announcer a couple of years back.

For the past 30 hours - the "I'm struggggling," comment has been stuck in my head.

There are days when the best course of action is to let the day come to you, and to admit when you're struggling your way through tasks that are very often easy to handle.

Golf is unforgiving.
Life is unforgiving.
Sometimes it pays to just acknowledge the struggle, laugh it off, and live to fight another day.


deafjeff said…
That very easily described the four of us.

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