In Some Cultures - I'm Attractive

My eight-year old was getting dressed for school this morning. He's rail skinny - sort of looks like Mick Jagger with his shirt off. I walked by his room and he giggled as he tried to cover up. "Whoa, look at that six-pack," I said.

"At least he's not hiding a quarter keg," one of the other kids yelled out. I certainly don't have quarter keg abs - maybe beer ball abs.

"I like his build," my wife said, as Sam struggled into his shirt - you can see his ribs and muscles. Do you think he'll stay skinny like that?"

"I didn't," I said.

"I know, you didn't," my darling wife answered.

"You don't like my build?"

She just laughed.

"Do you understand that I'd be attractive in some cultures?" I asked. "Do you understand that there are tribes out there who would bow to my beauty?"

"Where?" my wonderful wife asked.

"I don't know where, but somewhere," I replied.

Sam finished getting ready for school. I couldn't help but consider that I had been rail skinny for 18 years before adopting my keg-like shape.

"It'll get him too," I said. "Beer, pasta and mashed potatoes will catch up with him someday."

Until then - we should form a band - Sam as Mick Jagger and me as Meatloaf.


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