Am I Qualified?

Sarah Palin was a complete unknown to me and millions of others. This week, she leads the league in goggle searches and we are all slowly getting to know her likes, dislikes and family troubles.

As is customary, every skeleton is coming out of the closet - her husband's DWI from 22 years ago isn't really important to whether or not she can do the job. Her daughter's pregnancy? Irrelevant.

Yet I looked at the credentials and while I am not questioning her credentials, I'm wondering if I have enough to make a run at political office.

We both have a Bachelor of Arts Degree. She was mayor of a small town. I've been successfully employed for 25 years. She sold ATV's and mini-bikes. I sold a few books. She likes fishing. I like to golf. She shoots shit for fun. I shoot the shit with my friends.

Yes she has been the governor for 20 months and she most likely dominates her household as my wife dominates mine. She's been a mother of five - no small feat in this day and age. I only have three, but you should get a load of them. My 3 are probably tougher than her 5.

What are the differences? She's a Republican. I'm a Democrat. She's a woman and I'm not.

Yet we are more alike then most people realize. She's 44 - I turn 44 this year. She's physically attractive (which also shouldn't be important) and I'm extremely physically attractive.

I don't know - sometimes it seems as if the bar is being lowered. Do we want common-type folk in the leadership positions? I remember a comedian complaining about George Bush being elected - I forgot the comedian, but remembered the joke - "The Leader of the Free World should be able to kick my ass in Scrabble."

Sometimes I feel that way too - I'm sure Palin is more qualified than I'll ever know. I really think she might do well communicating to the masses.

It simply begs a question: Would you vote for me?

Oh, the skeletons coming out of my closet would be entertaining - wouldn't they be college friends?


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