
Those poor friggen' people. That's the thought that entered my mind again today as I watched the coverage of the hurricane coming to land. Gustav was downgraded to a category 2 storm - and as I write this there is a lot of hope that it won't bring the devastation of Katrina.

Yet - those poor friggen' people.

I've never been to New Orleans - people tell me it's a lot of fun, but not so much lately. People mention that there is a different element alive in the streets since the time of the last storm. This morning the beautiful newscaster on Fox told me that New Orleans was on the dirty end of the hurricane - and she flashed images of men with guns drawn ready to fend off looters.

The drawn gun is what scares me most about the hurricane making landfall. Storms are storms - and contrary to what anyone thinks the Federal Government won't be able to stop them from coming, but all together we should be able to stop each other from stealing, shooting, and raping and pillaging just because a horrific storm comes through.

I don't know and can't pretend to know what I would do under threat of utter devastation, but I'm fairly certain that I wouldn't break a window at Circuit City to get myself a brand new TV.

A natural disaster is certainly one thing - last time we turned it into a national disaster. This time we seem intent on minimizing the devastation. God willing and the creek don't rise - we can get through this. McCain said that they need to put away the Republican hats and take out the American hats until the storm is over.

I'd do him one better- put all of those other hats away and get back to just the American hats - if we did that I know we'd be ready to weather all of the incoming storms.


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