Slapping People Around

The story about Kevin McCarthy allegedly elbowing the Arkansas Republican Burchett was…


They’re in Congress. All the perks that come with their jobs and after the embarrassment of trying to choose a speaker, and they’re elbowing each other in the hallways? 

Like 9th graders?

What made it even more embarrassing was the reaction of Hannity.

He did a spiel on how you can’t even punch anyone in the face anymore because everyone is so ‘woke’ now. 

He waxed nostalgic on how he’d get into fistfights while playing hockey or basketball.


A hockey fight and elbowing someone in the kidneys at a place of employment are a little different, no?

And I’m so tired of the everyone is ‘woke’ whenever there’s a losing argument for what is inexcusable crap.

There’s no bottom on anything anymore. It’s all bravado and tough guy garbage and there is never cause to apologize.

For anything.

They placed a gag order on the guy with 91 felony counts.

He appealed and got a stay. Then he immediately went after the judge, the law clerk, the prosecutor and anyone else who is anywhere near the case.

Hannity’s company settled for a billion dollars and change when they were held liable for lying about the voting machines.

Hitler referred to the Jews as vermin.

Last week, a statement was issued as Democrats and immigrants were described as…



I’ve said it a lot over the last 5 years…

…it’s a strange time to be alive.

We’re headed backwards when it comes to how we treat one another.

Longing for the days when you could punch someone at work without consequence?

You don’t like it?

You’re ‘woke’.

So weird.


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