Church and State

I think that a whole bunch of people - in and out of the government - need a history lesson.

About 250 years ago, we formed a Democracy based on the fact that we didn’t want to be pigeon holed into practicing a religion that was force fed to us by a government.

Whole fight was about the freedom to choose.

The other day I watched as the new speaker of the house led a prayer on the floor of Congress and then, on an interview explained that ‘The Bible’ is his playbook to govern.

He’s all for a national law banning abortion and has made some noise by saying that sex outside of a Christian marriage is criminal and should not be allowed.


Good Lord! 

Don’t even bring that up!!

His wife couldn’t be there as he was sworn in because she’d spent a few days on her knees, praying for guidance.

They may be what we, in the real world, refer to as:

‘Whack jobs’.

I grew up surrounded by God - was an altar boy, read the Bible from cover to cover. I could recite the stories verbatim.

Never once did I feel that it was up to ME to force what I believed on someone else.

I also missed the part where I was supposed to judge others and condemn them for their choices.

Jesus Christ was a man of peace and His life was the blueprint for us to follow.

Treat others as WE wanted to be treated.

Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers.

Comfort to a prostitute.

Tolerance. Love. Understanding. Forgiveness.

And I recall a conversation with a spiritual buddy who explained that faith and religion is personal. He expressed that it’s like having a dozen people sitting around a fire…

…everyone is looking at the same fire, but they’re all seeing different things.

I don’t want Mike Johnson or his wife or any of his friends telling me what MY faith should be.

This country isn’t about that!

The forefathers were clear about the separation of church and state and they got that absolutely right.

There is a large group of whack jobs in our government right now.

Johnson fed the election crap. He believes that thoughts and prayers are what we need to stop mass shootings. He wants to dictate who loves who and how!

My Dad once met up with an over-zealous religion man. (Dad certainly believed in God. He lived as a Christian) but he didn’t suffer fools).

“Know what my favorite Bible story was?” He asked the religious nut.

“Tell me!” The man said, way too excited.

“Moses and his miracle,” Dad said.

The man was perplexed.

“I don’t know that one.”

“In the Bible it said that Moses tied his ass to a tree and walked ten miles.”

Those of us gathered howled with laughter and the ‘man of faith’ huffed and puffed.

Dad turned to me.

“I hate fake people who use God as a crutch.”

I thought of that as I watched Johnson speak.




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