A Little Messed Up

Learned that a high school classmate passed away suddenly.

It shook me.

Life around the house is all out of whack with Kathy’s rehab and I have a car down because my mechanic, evidently, knows less about bearings than I do.

I can’t find my glasses.

I lost them at a job where I was called in to investigate a fatal accident involving a guy I knew for a long time.

I don’t know why he lost his life.


I’m messed up a bit.

You can’t take a guy who is all about routine and turn life into chaos.

“You should take a breather,” a co-worker mentioned.

“Ya’ think?”

There’s only one thing on the horizon that may help me - I’m seeing my therapist at the arena with thousands of other of his fans on March 23rd.

Bruce has his hands full that night!

But man.

A breather?

From every damn thing?

And life itself.

Suck it up.

And don’t answer the phone!


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