Suck it Up

Kathy was sick first and she went on a bit of a rant about how miserable she felt.

I minimized it.

“It’s just a cold.”

Well, the shoe has been on the other foot since Monday.

The thing is, I had a brutal week scheduled.

A trip to North Carolina - I left a Sunday and was to return around 10;30 p.m. on Monday.

The airlines apologized profusely when they didn’t get me home until about 1 in the morning.

So, Tuesday morning came fast and I was sick!

“It’s just a cold.”

Well, that came back to haunt me!

Thing is, I had 3 straight days of training scheduled. At least 5 hours each day, talking in front of a room filled with people.

That’s a battle!

I broke it down and did a whole bunch of pep talks with myself.

“Just a few hours!”

I remember once asking a nun about what the purpose of being sick was all about. 

“It’s so you appreciate what it means to feel good.”

I appreciated it when Kathy was sick!

I didn’t need to get sick to feel it.

Ah well…

…just a few more things to get through.

I’ll appreciate it!

I swear.

Hope I appreciate it today!

And baseball is back!!!

I appreciate that too!


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