Fall-Out Shelters

Putin has spit out, very casually, that he was preparing the nuclear team to get ready.

Because, as the world cheers Ukraine on, he needs to gain an advantage.

When in heard the N-word (Nuclear) getting tossed about I thought about the fall out shelters in all the schools back when I was a kid.

As kids we spent a lot of time talking about what would happen if the Russians dropped an atomic bomb on us.

The idea of canned food for all of eternity didn’t do a whole lot for me.

In fact, as the nuns told us about it, I wasn’t all that enamored about being one of the survivors.

How long would we have to hide in the room?

Who would be there? Just me, my brothers and sisters and Mom and Dad?

All of us in one room?

Eating canned peaches?

Would Jeff take off all the labels?

There were so many questions.

I know that there are a whole lot of people who still have a doomsday place ready in case the shit hits the fan.

There are people here in the United States who are well prepared in case they need to battle our government.

Others are sure to be struck by the brave Ukrainian people and will stockpile guns and ammunition.

Not me.

I guess I’ll be one of the first to succumb because I don’t waste a whole lot of time preparing our shelter.

I wonder how many of those old shelters are still there.

“What would happen if I went outside after the bomb hits?” I asked Sister Mary.

“The radiation will melt your skin,” she said.


How I missed all the nuclear talk.

Isn’t it wonderful that half the country loves Russia now?

What a time to be alive.

And oh yeah…

…I want baseball back…

…especially if my skin is gonna get melted off my face.


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