It’ll Pass

We prepared for another blast of winter. It was snowing pretty good on Saturday.

I bitched about it to Paris as I loaded her into the car for a trip to the grocery store.

Paris didn’t care.

Then I whined about it as I was checking out, and the cashier said, “It’ll pass. It’s gonna’ be 50 next week.”

“It’ll pass.”

I’ve always liked that phrase as a way to battle through some of life’s little aggravations.

Someone told me last week that 2/3rds of people are mostly negative by nature.

I find that to be true.

The glass is definitely less than half empty for most of the people you see out there. 

Everyone is out to get them, or they are somehow being screwed over.

Then there is the “they” in all of the grand conspiracies.

“They want us to fight with one another.”

“They want to raise prices because they are stealing all that money.”

I have often asked, “Who are ‘they’?”

‘They’ are the people who are running their lives.

I have often felt that I’m in the one-third of the people who are optimistic.

“This too shall pass.”

“It’ll be all right.”

I suppose that there are definitely times when it doesn’t all work out…

…and life contains a whole lot of suffering…

…but this too shall pass will be good to you if you can hang with it.

‘They’ can’t take that away from you.


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