Other Plans

Lennon said that “Life is what happens when you’re making other plans.”

I am way too structured, and certainly struggle when life throws a curveball.

Kathy is having a bit of a medical issue. 

There will be a surgery and a bit of a rehab for sure, but we are of the opinion that she’ll feel better in the long run.

Thing is, I don’t know how to react when my plans have to suddenly change.

“What should I do?” I asked as Tuesday approached.

“Go to work,” she answered. “That’s usually the right answer, right?”

And she wasn’t being snarky in the least. She just knows I work better when I work.

So, off I went and it was a pretty routine day with the nagging question of what should I do next hanging over the top.

Do I cancel things?

“What time are things happening?” I asked.

“Who knows? We’ll let you know.”

I feel like asking if they can give me a little lead time.

And of course, I must annoy those around me because I annoy the hell out of myself.

I can get something stuck in my head, for sure.

I texted Sam early.

“Vacuum Ollie’s area.”

Then I called him with the same instruction.

“Got it!” He said.

I returned home. The area wasn’t vacuumed. Ran into Sam.

“What’re you doing?”


“Are you vacuuming?”

“Not yet!”

The minutes passed. I heard the sounds of a Madden game going into overtime.

Tick-tock in my head.

I lectured myself to just chill a little.

Then the door popped open and Sam ran down.

The vacuum went on.

And my mind moved to the next thing…

…there will be a thing after that…

…and tomorrow’s plan started to formulate.




Let’s get back into the old routine, huh?


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